My Favorite Superfoods!

As promised in my post “Super Healthy (and Delicious) Breakfast Smoothies” from a few weeks ago, here is a list of all of my favorite superfood powders. I love adding at least one of these powders to my breakfast smoothie every morning, and on some mornings (like today), I add up to five different superfood powders! You can also get creative and use superfood powders in desserts and other foods. I’m about to list a lot of superfoods, so brace yourselves! Try starting small by purchasing one or two powders you can add in on a daily basis. Better yet, if you’re just starting out with superfood powders, I would recommend buying one from each category for optimal health benefits. As you start feeling better and seeing the benefits of these superfoods, add to your collection, and have fun making new concoctions with your smoothies.

As a disclaimer, I have compiled research from multiple sources on all of these superfoods to provide you with the most pertinent information about their health benefits. However, please feel free to do your own research on the benefits of superfoods before adding them to your diet.


Berries and Fruits

  • Açaí: Strong berry flavor

    ·     Improves cholesterol levels, has an anti-cancer effect, and boosts brain function

    ·     Good source of fiber, Vitamin A, calcium, zinc, and iron

  • Amla: Tart flavor 

    ·     Rejuvenates hair and skin, can help cure colds, and reduces constipation 

    ·     Good source of powerful antioxidants and Vitamin C

  • Baobab: Subtle tart fruit flavor

    ·     Maintains healthy gut bacteria and protects liver

    ·     Good source of antioxidants, Vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, protein, and fiber

  • Camu camu: Tart cherry-like flavor

    ·     Supports longevity and vitality, enhances physical performance, supports healthy blood pressure, and guards against cancer 

    ·     Contains more Vitamin C than any other known food; Good source of potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, amino acids, and carotenoids 

  • Goji: Mildly sweet and savory

    ·     Has anti-aging benefits, prevents cancer growth, improves blood sugar control, and boosts energy levels and immune system 

    ·     Contains 11 essential amino acids; Good source of protein, fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin B2, iron, Vitamin C, potassium, and zinc 

  • Lacuma: Creamy and sweet

    ·     Good for skin, helps with age-related diseases, and fights acne and cholesterol 

    ·     Good source of protein, fiber, Vitamin B3, beta-carotene, iron, and calcium

  • Maqui: Tart berry flavor

    ·     Boosts immunity and longevity

    ·     Good source of antioxidants

  • Pomegranate: Mildly sweet and tart

    ·     Helps with cancer prevention, Alzheimer’s prevention, digestion, and has anti-inflammatory properties

    ·     Good source of antioxidants and Vitamin C


  • Chlorella: Earthy flavor 

    ·     Improves cholesterol and rids body of toxins

    ·     Good source of protein, Vitamin B12, iron, Vitamin C, omega-3s, and fiber

  • Spirulina: Earthy flavor

    ·     Has anti-inflammatory properties, anti-cancer properties, and protects from bad cholesterol 

    ·  Good source of protein, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, copper, iron, magnesium, and potassium

  • Wheatgrass: Grassy flavor

    ·     Rids body of toxic radicals, supports digestion, and slows aging process

    ·     Good source of protein, 17 amino acids, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin I, and Vitamin K


  • Hemp: No flavor

    ·  Amazing source of protein, boosts immune system, increases energy levels, reduces inflammation, and improves digestion

    ·     Good source of calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc

  • Chia: No flavor

    ·     Lowers risk of heart disease, important for bone health, and helps reduce inflammation 

    ·     Good source of protein, antioxidants, omega-3s, calcium, potassium, and fiber 

  • Flax: No flavor

    ·     Has positive effects against cancer and reduces risks of cardiovascular disease 

    ·     Good source of omega-3s and fiber


  • Moringa Leaf: Grassy flavor 

    ·     Fights free radicals, reduces inflammation, supports brain health, protects the liver, and enhances wound healing

    ·     Good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, calcium, potassium, and protein 


  • Maca: Caramel flavored

    ·     Bolsters energy and vitality, balances stress levels, and increases resilience in the body

    ·     Good source of protein, Vitamin C, copper, and iron

Click on the name of each superfood to order it directly from Amazon! For some of my favorite smoothie recipes that use superfoods, click here. Happy blending!

HealthJosie PearceComment