Josie Pearce

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ACV, Cayenne Pepper, and Lemon Juice: My Morning Concoction

Every morning for the past two years, I have started my day off with apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, and lemon juice. The taste is not fantastic, but it’s manageable and well worth it. I drink it for the amazing health benefits, which I am about to dive into!

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

There are a lot of myths surrounding ACV as a miracle supplement, but that’s just not the case. While there are many falsities surrounding ACV, there are two things that it is scientifically proven to do, according to The University of Chicago Medical Center.

  • ACV can help control blood sugar levels, notably lowering post-meal blood glucose levels.

  • ACV may have a modest effect on weight loss by lowering one’s appetite.

From personal experience, I have noticed ACV has decreased any bloating I have, so I enjoy drinking it every morning!

Cayenne Pepper

According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, cayenne pepper may aid in digestion, improve circulation, reduce cholesterol and blood fat levels, and decrease obesity.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is helpful for a variety of reasons, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

  • The acid in lemon juice helps break down food, which aids in digestion.

  • Lemons contain phytonutrients that have powerful antioxidant properties, protecting our bodies from disease.

  • Lemons have Vitamin C and potassium!

  • Ingesting lemon juice helps prevent kidney stones.

The Concoction

Now that you know why all of these ingredients are beneficial to your health, let’s talk about how to make it!

  1. Fill up an 8-ounce glass with water.

  2. Microwave the water for 50 seconds to 1 minute, or until warm.

  3. Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

  4. Add 1-2 dashes of cayenne pepper in powder form.

  5. Add the juice of 1/2-1 lemon.

  6. Stir, and enjoy 15 minutes before your first meal of the day!

It is extremely important to mix ACV into a large quantity of warm water, as drinking it straight could burn your throat.